
2 dec 2009

A day to remember
175 ...>$4

6 則留言:

匿名 說...

I read your article and analysis. #175 financial statement really shows good figure and is expected to be much more better this year. I bought it at HK$3.00 for long term investment.
I want to hold this stock for 1yr more, may you have some advice to the investment time frame? How much is your next prediction to #175?

Sum 說...

I read your article and analysis. #175 financial statement really shows good figure and is expected to be much more better this year. I bought it at HK$3.00 for long term investment.
I want to hold this stock for 1yr more, may you have some advice to the investment time frame? How much is your next prediction to #175?

Benathk 說...

very good
175 is ~$4.3 now.
your growth is over +40% within one month
$8-$10 is my target for 6/2010

匿名 說...

How did u come to that target?

I totally missed 175 and was wondering if I could still buy at the current price.I also thought about 203 and 1114.

匿名 說...

How did u come to that target price?
I totally missed 175.I was wondering if I could still buy at the current price.I also thought about buying 203 and 1114 instead.....

Benathk 說...

now, i dont consider buy 175.
If you read my blog, I got enough number of 175 shares already.

For future, i may conside 3813 or other for Bull 2 and Bull 3