


target 3 dollars DEC 2010

6 則留言:

匿名 說...

請問175你點睇?近日走勢十分反覆,你的target price 是多少?Thanks.

匿名 說...

I am impressed by your analysis on 175 and 3813.

Is 3813 just at the beginning of the upward surge?

Benathk 說...

3813 is $1.6 today, just starting the growth. $3 is no problem in this year

匿名 說...

Any comment on 3813's annual result?

Still worthwhile to hold?

Thanks a lot.

Benathk 說...

3813 is very good
the price can be double within one year as very safe.

Benathk 說...

我同你講,你一定要「坐」股票, 還有,用90%以上時間去做分析, 1%時間去飲咖啡, 用少於1%時間落盤或看報價機, 你的回報必然會理想!