
175 Party continue

I wrote on July $2 Geely is the Beginning only

for data just said 250,000 per year
but today, 175 annonues 250,000 completed till Oct 2009 and ended Dec will be 300,000 vehicles

If I predict 175 can earn RMB 6240 per vehicles
it may be RMB 1872M at the end of 2009, over HKD2151M
HKD 2151 is really a strong cashflow, so 175 said they will spend 1000M for next year investment

What is the current PE ($4.6) =
just 15.5 only.

6 則留言:

匿名 說...

Whats a good price to enter 175 if theres any correction?
Do you like 1114?

Benathk 說...

i think now is Bull 2.
dont suggest to buy now until end of Bull 2

匿名 說...

when is the end of Bull 2?
you dont suggest to buy any stocks or just 175 during Bull 2?

Benathk 說...

I think Bull 1 was completed and just begin Bull 2.
Bull 2 can make serious destroy
so be careful Bull 2 in coming months.
But i still guess the target price of the 175 will be upto 25 PE of 2010 is $10
in which 175 may earn HKD2600-2800M
as 400,000 vehicle in 2010.
HKD2600M x 25 = over 50B <--total cap.

匿名 說...

1) 上半年,每車毛利8199...扣除銷售、行政費用,每車才4066...下半年應該升不到你預測的水平
2) 上半年賺6.5億,下半年按比例是8億,打多些才全年15億
3) 15億除(7299Mx 110%增發) EPS= RMB0.19
4) 2009 PE = 4.2 / (0.19/0.88) = 19
唔太貴! 不過,短期見頂,我亦覺得有可能。


Benathk 說...

i agree to 電力 ching
no matter what will happen or drop in the Jan or Feb 2010, I believe coming year is the party of car-stock