
Benathk 提到... 175 Geely

Thank you, albert. 4am, you have such strong insight in 4am, a strong man,. Bravo. Yup, maybe this is too earier to say Geely is sucess. But from the resource of China Car Master. http://blog.sina.com.cn/guojf TOP 10 SALE VOL
MAY 07 APR 07
一汽大众 ~59900 一汽大众 ~40000
奇瑞 ~33800 上海大众 ~39000
上海大众~32900 上海通用 ~38000
上海通用~30100 奇瑞 ~28500
东风日产~20600 东风日产 ~26000
吉利 ~17700 广州本田 ~21000
广州本田~17600 长安福特 ~19000
长安福特~17200 长安福特 ~19850
东风神龙~16200 东风神 ~18000
一汽丰田~15200 天津一汽 ~17000
吉利~16000(OUT OF TOP 10)

一汽大众, 奇瑞

SALE VOL DROP上海大众,上海通用,东风日产,广州本田长安福特,长安福特,东风神龙,天津一汽

AND Geely keep unchange. I know just compare 2 month data cannot provide strong statement and make a conclusion. I will be more focus on 3 to 6 months trends on whole China Market. Moveover, I am strong disagree with one of your point. "If they have more money, they prefer the foreign brands, such as Nissan, Toyota, Honda...etc Inother words, Geely's mid-end position is very-hard to be reinforced." Anti-Japan is still a social issue, due to this reason, Japanese brand cannot do well in China market. But the German/USA brand are more accepable for Mainland public. For Geely profit margin, I still have confidence. Because from www.people.com.cn
www. auto.people.com.cn/BIG5/1049/5821986.html
At the first time when i read this article on 5 Jun, I had a question liked yours ," Margin Pressue Continues to Intensify". or maybe this is fake data. You know everything can happen in internet. But this is 人民日报 中国共产党 people.com.cn, if this is fake, I cannot be read this article now. The article had been posted for 1 week. So I think this is true.Its profit can have sudden rise this 6 months.Ben
12:08 下午
